Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

Attention! Please, adhere to anti-epidemic measures for coronavirus disease prevention.

Corruption offense

Corruption report or corruption related offences

No attribution. An anonymous notification of a requirements’ violation of the anti-corruption legislation is subject to review relates to a specific person, and contains factual data that can be verified

With your contact details
Contact information is confidential and cannot be transferred without the consent of the user

Select the type of violation:

Specify information about the person who committed the violation:

Last name Check that the information you entered is correct
First name Check that the information you entered is correct
Patronymic name Check that the information you entered is correct
Job Check that the information you entered is correct
Position Check that the information you entered is correct

Please provide violation details:

Region where the violation was committed Check that the information you entered is correct
Violation date Check that the information you entered is correct
Please note, if you want to report about a violation, you need to attach a scanned signature message
Actual data Check that the information you entered is correct
Scan copy of message
Check that the information you entered is correct

Confirming materials

Add a proof
Check that the information you entered is correct
Add a proof
Check that the information you entered is correct

Enter your personal information:

Your full name Check that the information you entered is correct
mailing address Check that the information you entered is correct
Phone number Make sure your phone number is correct
E-mail address Check that the information you entered is correct

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment